%global pkgname 4ti2interface %global upname 4ti2Interface %global upver 2023.02-04 %global giturl https://github.com/homalg-project/homalg_project/ Name: gap-pkg-%{pkgname} Version: %(tr - . <<< %{upver}) Release: %autorelease Summary: GAP interface to 4ti2 License: GPL-2.0-or-later BuildArch: noarch # See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EncourageI686LeafRemoval ExcludeArch: %{ix86} URL: https://homalg-project.github.io/ VCS: git:%{giturl}.git Source: %{giturl}/archive/%{upname}-%{upver}.tar.gz # Adapt to the Fedora 4ti2 package use of environment modules Patch: %{name}-binaries.patch BuildRequires: 4ti2 BuildRequires: gap-devel BuildRequires: gap-pkg-autodoc BuildRequires: gap-pkg-io Requires: 4ti2 Requires: gap-pkg-io %description This package is a GAP interface to 4ti2. %package doc # The content is GPL-2.0-or-later. # The remaining licenses cover the various fonts embedded in PDFs: # CM: Knuth-CTAN # CM-Super: GPL-1.0-or-later # Nimbus: AGPL-3.0-only License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND GPL-1.0-or-later AND Knuth-CTAN AND AGPL-3.0-only Summary: Documentation for the GAP 4ti2Interface package Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description doc This package contains documentation for gap-pkg-%{pkgname}. %prep %autosetup -n homalg_project-%{upname}-%{upver}/%{upname} -p1 %build export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 gap makedoc.g %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/doc cp -a examples gap tst *.g %{buildroot}%{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname} %gap_copy_docs -n %{upname} %check export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 gap -l "%{buildroot}%{gap_libdir};" tst/testall.g %files %doc README.md %license LICENSE %dir %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/ %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/*.g %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/gap/ %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/tst/ %files doc %docdir %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/doc/ %docdir %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/examples/ %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/doc/ %{gap_libdir}/pkg/%{upname}/examples/ %changelog %autochangelog